What Is Dental Plaque?

boy-1528150_960_720You’ve heard that you need to brush and floss to keep dental plaque at bay, but what is it? How does it cause damage? And how do you know if you have plaque in your mouth? Learn more about this sticky substance and what you can do to keep it under control.

What Is Plaque Made From?

When saliva, food debris, and bacteria mix together, it produces plaque, which is a sticky, colorless substance that adheres to your teeth. Most of the time, you can’t see plaque; if it’s allowed to build up, however, you’ll notice a whitish substance on your teeth. That’s plaque. If the substance is allowed to harden, it turns into a hard coating called tartar, which can range in color from yellow to black. That is what your dental hygienist scrapes off during your biannual cleanings.

Why Is Plaque a Problem?

You can probably agree that plaque is a problem in terms of aesthetics and odor; when you brush your teeth, they look and smell substantially better because you are removing the plaque and bacteria from your mouth. Aside from just cosmetic issues, however, plaque can really wreak havoc with your oral health.

As it collects between teeth and in the grooves of your molars, the bacteria can literally eat away at your tooth structure, causing decay known as dental cavities. If these cavities are not treated, they will spread into the nerve of your tooth; this will cause a toothache that requires a root canal or an extraction.

Plaque is also responsible for gingivitis, which can lead to the more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis. This condition can lead to infections and tooth loss. There is even some evidence that gum disease can lead to heart problems and issues for diabetics, so it’s best for your overall health to keep your plaque under control.

How to Remove Plaque

The most obvious ways to remove plaque are brushing and flossing regularly. It’s particularly important to brush and floss before bed, because while you are sleeping and not producing as much saliva, the bacteria in your mouth can really do some damage. Brush two or three times per day and floss once.

Also, get some disclosing tablets (available at your local pharmacy) to find out whether you are removing all of the plaque in your mouth. These tablets will stain the plaque so you can see it to remove it.

Finally, be sure to see your dentist twice yearly for a cleaning. This is when any accumulated tartar can be removed and you can be evaluated for dental decay, gingivitis, and other dental health issues. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment if you are overdue.