Dental New Year’s Resolutions

new yearSo the end of 2014 is in sight, and this time of year, in between stuffing ourselves silly and visiting family, many of us begin thinking about things we’d like to do differently in the new year. Some common new year’s resolutions include exercising, losing weight and quitting smoking. These are all great things to do for your health! Another good resolution to make is taking care of your teeth and gums. Seems simple enough, but you might not be aware that good oral hygiene brings about great health benefits!

Brush Twice, Floss Once

Every single day, you should be brushing your teeth a minimum of two times per day. Three times (after each meal) is better, but realistically speaking, it’s not always feasible to brush after your mid-day meal. If you are not already in the habit of brushing after breakfast and before bed, start doing so now!

The other dental habit that is frequently missed is flossing daily. Yes, it takes five minutes that you could spend doing something more fun, and yes, it can cause you to have to clean your bathroom mirror more often. But flossing each day not only leads to healthy gum tissues and fewer cavities, but it also freshens your breath and can help prevent diseases in other areas of your body.

Prevent Disease

There are many studies that show that gum disease can lead to or exacerbate other health problems.

Infections in the mouth can spread. While it’s not common, you might end up with a severe infection requiring antibiotics or even hospitalization from a diseased, decayed tooth or infected pockets of gum tissue. This is particularly true if you have diabetes or a suppressed immune system.

There are also links between gum disease and pancreatic cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Do yourself a favor and keep your gums healthy along with the rest of your body by brushing and flossing regularly!

See Us Twice Per Year

Periodontal disease can be partially prevented by flossing daily, but seeing your dental hygienist every six months to remove tartar is also an important part of prevention. Also, you’ll be evaluated for other dental problems during these routine visits. Even if seeing the dentist is not your idea of a good time, it’s important to make the effort to come in as scheduled.

If you have not been in within the past six months, please call us to schedule an appointment after the first of the year. We’d love to be an important part of helping you stick to your new year’s resolutions!