If you’ve been to a dentist, then you’ve probably heard about cavities. There is a lot of misinformation out there, so here are five myths about cavities and how to prevent them.
1. Only sugar causes cavities
I’m sure when you were a child, someone told you that eating sugar was going to cause cavities. This is true. Sugary foods do cause cavities, but it’s not the only culprit. Decay that causes cavities can also come from healthier foods, like bread, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The starch in bread turns to sugar and because of the texture can stay in your teeth for a long period of time, leaving your teeth vulnerable to long-term exposure. Fruits and vegetables have natural sugars that can still affect your teeth. So stay away from soft drinks and candy, but also be sure to brush and floss twice a day.
2. You’ll know you have a cavity
Many people think that they don’t need to go have their teeth checked because they aren’t in any pain, but this is far from the truth. You can have a cavity and not know it unless it has advanced to the point where it’s painful. When you go to the dentist every six months, not only is it to get your teeth cleaned to prevent cavities but also so your dentist can check for them. This way, they can be caught before they start giving you pain.
3. Just brushing twice a day prevents cavities
Brushing is one of the most important parts of your oral health, but just brushing isn’t going to be enough to ward off cavities. Brushing doesn’t always get rid of the plaque that’s building up between your teeth, so it’s important to floss as well. In addition to brushing and flossing, adding mouthwash to your daily routine can be helpful to kill bad bacteria. Also, try to drink as much water as possible when eating to begin washing away food particles.
4. Fillings last forever
Once you get a tooth filled, you might think you’re set for life. This isn’t true. You still need to take care of the tooth by brushing and flossing. Also, the filling might not last forever, so you may have to go back to the dentist to get it refilled after years of wear and tear. This is why we push so hard to try to prevent cavities because they are a hassle!
5. Placing aspirin next to the tooth helps with pain
Medications like aspirin are meant to be taken by mouth, so putting them next to the tooth will not stop the pain. Also, pain medication for a toothache is likely just a temporary solution. The pain will likely persist. So, if you are having tooth pain, take a pain reliever by mouth, and set up an appointment with your dentist to get to the root of the problem.
Now that we’ve busted some of these cavity myths, we should say that the best way to handle cavities is to try to prevent them. Make sure to always brush and floss your teeth, especially right after eating extra sugary foods. Also, set appointments with your dentist every six months to have a good cleaning and checkup. Tip: set your next appointment before you leave because six months goes by quicker than you think. Need to set up an appointment? Contact us today!