Common Dental Myths You Should Know About

When it comes to healthcare, there are many old wives tales and widely believed myths. Dental health is no exception! Take a look at these common dental myths and see if you have been tricked into thinking they were actually true. Bleeding Gums Mean You’re Flossing Too Much Au contraire, the opposite is more likely true. When you don’t floss …

Myths About Dental Braces

Are you unhappy with the way your smile looks, so your dentist has suggested braces as a possible solution? Or maybe your dentist has told you that your child will benefit from dental braces. Hearing this news for the first time can make you feel overwhelmed and nervous. There are many myths about orthodontic braces floating around, and now is a great …

Dental Myths: How Many Did You Believe?

Any branch of health care has its share of myths that many patients believe, and dentistry is no exception. Sometimes the culprit of incorrect information is a faulty website or article in a magazine; other times it’s just common lore passed down from generation to generation. The good news is that your dentist is a fountain of knowledge and can …