Fairfield, North Carolina

Map by David Benbennick

Fairfield, North Carolina

Fairfield is a small town in Hyde County, and is also listed as a national historic site. Although Fairfield was not large enough for a census count Hyde County has a population of around 5810 according to the 2010 United States Census.

Hyde County Boots overall dental health Statistics, of the  80% of children (5th grade and under) screened only 4% showed signs of decayed adult teeth. That is high compared to the state average at 74%. Although the the percentage of permanent tooth decay is at 4% which unfortunately is also up from the state average of 3%, but not by very much.

Looking to get your teeth checked? Do you live in Fairfield? We at Inner Banks Dental are also determined to build an close relationship with the coastal community. We have helped make brighter smiles for our costumers in Fairfield and Hyde  for over 10 years. Come and see for yourself how we have built our reputation as the most caring, and compassionate dentist office in the county.